Wednesday 5 August 2015

Happy Independence Day 2016: Paragraph On Independence Day in Hindi

Happy Independence Day 2016: Paragraph On Independence Day in Hindi

Happy Independence day 2015 to all of my readers.
 Today I am Going to share Latest Paragraph On Independence Day in Hindi because Most people from us share their feelings in Hindi Language. But These Paragraph On Independence Day in Hindi is not in Hindi font. they are in wishes typing language. And we can call this language Indian Hinglish Language.

 Paragraph On Independence Day in Hindi
 Paragraph On Independence Day in Hindi

Paragraph On Independence Day in Hindi

15 अगस्त 1947 का दिन भारत के इतिहास में स्वर्ण अक्षरों में लिखा गया है I इस दिन ही हमारा देश अंग्रेजो की दासता से आजाद हुआ I इस पर्व को सभी धर्मों के लोग ख़ुशी ख़ुशी मनाते हैं I 15 अगस्त के दिन हर साल हमारे देश के प्रधानमंत्री लाल किले पर तिरंगा फहराते हैं I इस आजादी के लिए देश के बहुत लोगों ने बलिदान दिया I भगत सिंह, सुखदेव, राजगुरु, चंदरशेखर आजाद, सुभाष चन्द्र बोस, लाला लाजपत राय आदि कितने ही क्रांतिकारियों ने अपने प्राणों की आहुति दी आजादी के लिए I

 Paragraph On Independence Day in Hindi

महात्मा गांधी ने देश की आजादी में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान दिया I आजादी के लिए इन लोगों के अंग्रेजों के बहुत जुल्म सहे I नौजवान आजादी के लिए हँसते हँसते फांसी पर चढ़ गये I हम इन लोगों के महान बलिदान को कभी नहीं भुला सकते हैं,

 Paragraph On Independence Day in Hindi
देश को आजादी तो मिली पर भारत माता के दो टुकड़े हो गये I भारत से अलग होकर पाकिस्तान नाम का नया देश बना I साम्प्रदायिकता की आग में लाखों लोग जल गये I आजादी के दीवानों ने अपनी जान की कीमत देकर हम लोगों के लिए आजादी हासिल की I इसलिए लोग 15 अगस्त के दिन को बहुत हर्षोउलास के साथ मनाते हैं और शहीदों को याद करके उनको नमन करते हैं I आज हम चाहे कितनी भी तरक्की कर लें पर हम कभी भारत और आजादी के लिए हुए शहीदों का कर्ज कभी नहीं उतार सकते
Paragraph On Independence Day in Hindi

Hindi Speech on Independence Day 15 August

Good morning and my hearty greetings to you all on the occasion of the 67th Independence Day of India. The very mention of the word Independence brings back nostalgic memories to all those who love their beloved country. They are moments of sheer magic when a nation held in bondage for centuries breaks free from the shackles of foreign rule and breathes in winds of freedom.
Paragraph On Independence Day in Hindi
The country that suffered slavery is the very country that has been admired by many in the West. We need to be proud of that legacy. No less a person than Albert Einstein has said of India: “We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made.” The famous German scholar Max Muller observed, “If I were asked under what sky the human mind has most fully developed some of its choicest gifts, has most deeply pondered on the greatest problems of life, and has found solutions, I should point to India.” 
Paragraph On Independence Day in Hindi
And Mark Twain who is known for his satirical comments observes seriously that India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grandmother of tradition. Our most valuable and most instructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only. Such a great nation that was the fount of wisdom is ours and ours only. But today, we see that freedom that was won by sacrifice, blood and toil is being taken for granted. 
Paragraph On Independence Day in Hindi
Most Indians are not keenly appreciative of the blessings of being born an Indian. In the face of skepticism and even ridicule from others, India stood up to the challenge of making a success of its independence and proved its critics wrong on many counts. Today, it is the largest democracy and is poised for keeping its tryst with destiny. It is true that there are many hurdles at present, and some major failures on certain fronts, but the country is relentlessly surging ahead. 
Paragraph On Independence Day in Hindi
The progress may not always be dramatic, but it is sure and steady. To begin with, the GDP has slowed down to 4.5%, but it is expected to improve. It is the lowest in a decade, on account of poor performance of manufacturing, agriculture and services sectors.
Paragraph On Independence Day in Hindi

Speech in Hindi on Independence Day of India

What people actually do in this day?
Independence Day is a day when people in India pay homage to their leaders and those who fought for India’s freedom in the past. The period leading up to Independence Day is a time when major government buildings are illuminated with strings of lights and the tricolor flutters from homes and other buildings. Broadcast, print and online media may have special contests, programs, and articles to promote the day. Movies about India’s freedom fighters are also shown on television.
Paragraph On Independence Day in Hindi
The president delivers the ‘”Address to the Nation” on the eve of Independence Day. India’s prime minister unfurls India’s flag and holds a speech at the Red Fort in Old Dehli. Flag hoisting ceremonies and cultural programs are held in the state capitals and often involve many schools and organizations.
Many people spend the day with family members or close friends. They may eat a picnic in a park or private garden, go to a film or eat lunch or dinner at home or in a restaurant. Other people go kite flying or sing or listen to patriotic songs.
Paragraph On Independence Day in Hindi
Public life
Independence Day is a gazetted holiday in India on August 15 each year. National, state and local government offices, post offices and banks are closed on this day. Stores and other businesses and organizations may be closed or have reduced opening hours.
Paragraph On Independence Day in Hindi
Public transport is usually unaffected as many locals travel for celebrations but there may be heavy traffic and increased security in areas where there are celebrations. Independence Day flag raising ceremonies may cause some disruption to traffic, particularly in Dehli and capital cities in India’s states.
Paragraph On Independence Day in Hindi
The struggle for India’s Independence began in 1857 with the Sepoy Mutiny in Meerut. Later, in the 20th century, the Indian National Congress and other political organizations, under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi, launched a countrywide independence movement. Colonial powers were transferred to India on August 15, 1947.
Paragraph On Independence Day in Hindi
The Constituent Assembly, to whom power was to be transferred, met to celebrate India’s independence at 11pm on August 14, 1947. India gained its liberty and became a free country at midnight between August 14 and August 15, 1947. It was then that the free India’s first prime minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru gave his famous “Tryst with Destiny” speech. People across India are reminded of the meaning of this event – that it marked the start of a new era of deliverance from the British colonialism that took place in India for more than 200 years.
Paragraph On Independence Day in Hindi